The ensemble was born in 1953. The Founder of the ensemble is Gennadiy Vladimirovich Akinfiev. There are blind musicians, invalids of the 1st and 2nd sight group. For these years blind musicians visited  Izhevsk, Kirov, Ufa, Omsk, Moscow, Ekaterinburg with their concerts. The Group made the concert tour by ship along the Kama and Volga rivers, where they gave the concerts in nine large cities of Russia. The Ensemble has an Honourable title of Public group . The multiple laureate of  festivals on the territory of Russia of amateur folk creative activity ensembles, orchestras of Russian folk instruments and soloist-vocalists VOS. Gennadiy Vladimirovich Akinfiev has been a permanent leader, arranger and composer for 48 years. Svetlana Georgievna Kozlovskaya leads the ensemble since 2001. The Participants of the ensemble write poems, music, go in for needlework.
The poems to the anniversary the ensemble.
